

Date: Oct. 7, 2007
Issues: Abortion

average Joe Ohio Tour cont: Our family stood in solidarity with some 150 people on a street corner in Mentor, Ohio, as part to the annual nationwide "Life Chain." I held a sign that said: Abortion Kills Children. My wife Liz held a sign that read: Adoption: A Loving Option. Our campaign revolves around "common sense." And in the common sense realm: Ten fingers, ten toes, a heart beat in the womb… Ten fingers, ten toes, a heart beat outside the womb. A baby? Well c'mon, of course! However, a faction of our society has moved so far into denial, that they can't see the proverbial forest for the trees anymore on this one… Our platform calls for more safety nets for women in crisis pregnancy, including a multi-dimensional set of adoption options. For more, see our Life Issues position.
